The D'uccle eggs should hatch between Monday and Wednesday next week! I am excited. (: Hope I get at least one blue mottled bird!
I checked on the eggs my Silkies are sitting on yesterday and all five of their own eggs (Faverolles x Silkie) are developing. The leftover D'uccle egg, however, was not and I tossed it. Oh well, it was worth a try. Hopefully them hatching their own eggs will cement their broodiness so I can use them to hatch shipped eggs I purchase in the future.
Will update with pictures when the hatch begins!
Sooooooo I just bid on some Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs... if I win the auction, they'll be the last chicks I hatch this year. I am trying to get my stock established for next year so I can start selling hatching eggs. Im planning on having a Blue/Black Mottled D'uccle pen, Faverolles and Ameraucana pen (Faverolles x Ameraucana = Easter Egger), and a Mille Fleur bantam Cochin pen. I guess I'll have to hatch out the Faverolles and Cochins next year but that's all right. I'm getting there lol.
Also, I found this while looking up Silkie color genetics. Mottled Silkies! There are very, very few of these in development right now. They're made by crossing a mottled Cochin with a black Silkie for several generations. This would be a cool project but I would hate to end up with tons of culls from each generation and have to try to find homes for them all. Never the less, they still look cool!
Black Mottled Silkie |