I hatched out 17 Silkies and 1 Faverolles out of 26 fully developed eggs on Feb. 6th. I am still not sure what went wrong with the hatch. I used a Hovabator Genesis. Temperature was constant, never went above 100.2 even during hatching. Humidity was 45-53% during sitting and 60-71% during lockdown. I opened the eggs that did not hatch and this is what I found...
1 - Alive, but died shortly after I opened egg. I think I may have nicked a blood vein as I did open a small hole in the membrane for it to breathe.
2 - Huge chick with absorbed yolk, pipped but did not zip.
3 - Drowned in shell, lots of liquid.
4 - 8 All were fully formed and dead without pipping. Membrane was not shrink wrapped and did not seem to be drowned in shell from too much humidity. Could not tell what went wrong with these.
New batch of Silkie chicks hatched Feb. 6th |
Two things I noticed about this hatch....the first being I did not disinfect the incubator before using it again (oops), and the second that the shipped eggs I hatched had the biggest air cells I've ever seen, and that they were saddle shaped air cells. I don't know if that had anything to do with the chicks not being able to pip right. I thought that bacteria would cause blood rings early on and not so much when the embryos were fully formed. I only had a couple of blood rings.
Regardless, of the 18 that hatched I had one that was a sticky chick and the other chicks had pecked out the egg yolk from its navel until it was completely hanging out and busted. I ended up having to euthanize the poor thing. I had another chick that was born and could not stand up. It was not spraddle leg. His right leg was sticking straight out and he kept flipping onto his back. I taped his legs and put him in a cup so he would sit upright but he ended up dying overnight.
I also had one chick with a curled toe but I fixed that by making him wear a little bandaid "boot" for a few days. He is doing fine now.
I don't know what went so wrong with the hatch but after this hatch and the hatch before it not being good, I'm started to get discouraged. ): I fully disinfected the incubator this time and I've got some Salmon Faverolles eggs due to be mailed out on the 24th.....*crosses fingers* If this next hatch isn't any good either then I may sell this incubator and get something else.
Anyhow, I sold most of the Silkie chicks and am keeping 2 white/splash (can't tell the colors apart yet), 2 blues, and 1 black in addition to the older splash silkie I'm keeping. The Faverolles I hatched with these is looking like it might be a nicely colored pullet (YES!) but I won't know for sure for a few more days.